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Japanese Fragrance Series
This Assortment is an opportunity for the customer to sample all of the new scents in the Koh-shi Fragrance Series. There is one stick of each fragrance:
- Acacia
- Fresh Citron
- Green Tea
- Coffee
- Water Lily
- Fresh Sandalwood
- Sandalwood
- Fragrant Olive (Osmanthus)
- Forest
- India Ink
- Lavender
- Japanese Musk
- White Lily
- Fragrant Wood
- Cherry Blossom
Main Ingredients: 15 different scents
Length: 5.25"
Weight: n/a.
Quantity: 15 Sticks
Burn Time: approx. 20 min.
Company:Manufactured for Awaji Koh-shi by 15 different Japanese Incense Masters (Companies)
See the full line of Koh-shi Series incense at: