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Fu-in® Aloeswood - 15 Cones Box
Minorien brings you the pure natural aroma of the Aloeswood tree. This incense powder was made by mixing fine quality Aloeswood from Thailand and Indonesia. No dyestuff, chemical spices, or additives are used. From the time you ignite this incense, you experience a great smell that brings a solemn atmosphere to the air of the room.The wet smell of this particular Aloeswood is very unusual.
Minorien's Fu-in Aloeswood and Kyara incense sticks, cones, and coils may sometimes contain small black spots. These are actually pieces of resin-suffused agarwood, and are aromatic parts of the Aquilaria tree, famous for its use in aloeswood and kyara incenses.
Main Ingredients: Aloeswood
Length: approx. 3/4" tall
Quantity: 15 cones plus one holder
Burn Time: approx. 15 min.
Company: Minorien