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ITTEN - Aloeswood (An elegant fragrance of precious aloeswood)

For a long time in rich nature, the fragrant wood Jinkoh (aloeswood) nurtures an odoriferous scent. The name of the fragrant tree was first written in Japan's oldest documentation established in the 8th century. It also states that warriors burned incense on their armor in the 16th century. From ancient times to the present, Jinkoh has been cherished as one of the precious Japanese fragrances.

Main Ingredients : Aloeswood
Length : 8.75"
Quantity : app. 30 sticks
Burn Time : app. 60 mits
Company : Nipponkodo

Also available in:
Itten Sansalwood
Itten Lily
Iteen Chrysanthemum

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